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CM Mahjong Lite

4.9 ( 429 ratings )
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Forfatter: ChatMate LLC

This is a multi-player mahjong games using Hong Kong rules. Players can only connect using Game Center for the lite version. The full version will allow wi-fi and bluetooth connection. This does NOT support 1 player mode so you will need to have at least 2 players to play this game. There is a practice mode where you can familiar yourself with the controls. Players can utilize the build-in talk function to play and talk with friends and relatives overseas while playing.

In-game Control
Chow/Pong/Kong: Tap on the tiles and swipe left to perform the action
Draw a tile: Swipe down to draw a tile
Discard a tile: Tap on a tile to select and swipe up to discard a tile
Win: Swipe right to win

* There is a practice mode which allows users to be familiar with different controls

Players are encourage to utilize the Facebook page to interact with other players to increase the social circle.


這是一個多玩家的香港規則麻將遊戲。玩家可以使用 GameCenter 連接其他玩家。Game Center 更支援實時對話使遊戲時更加有趣。這遊戲不支持單人遊戲模式.

上| 碰|槓 牌: 點擊牌然後輕掃左去執行動作
拿牌: 輕掃下去執行動作
出牌: 輕掃上去執行動作
食糊: 輕掃右去執行動作
